Reusable bags
Non-Woven Reusable bags are one of the most popular bags on the market today, the reason the reason these bags are so appealing is they’re strong, they are stylish, and can endure many shopping trips over the years.
Reusable bags have a lifespan equal to that of more than 700 disposable plastic bags. They can also be cost effective. Many stores now offer shoppers discounts and program points for bagging with reusables. Small cents can add up to big dollars over time. In some areas, these fees for bags are even required.
Some estimates suggest, purchasing a single set of reusable shopping bags, and using them every time you go shopping, could eliminate massive volume of garbage. It is estimated the disposal could be as many as 20,000 disposable plastic bags.
Paypa offer a whole range of Brown kraft paper bag with twisted handles as an alternative to plastic, our bags come in a wide variety of colours at very affordable prices, check out their range.
Non-Woven Reusable bags are one of the most popular bags on the market today. The reason these bags are so appealing is they’re strong, they are stylish, and can endure many shopping trips over the years. Reusable bags have a lifespan equal to that of more than 700 disposable plastic bags. They can also be cost effective, as many stores now offer shoppers discounts and program points for bagging with reusables. In some areas fees are charged for bags are even required. Some estimates suggest that purchasing a single set of reusable shopping bags and using them every time you go shopping could eliminate the disposal of as many as 20,000 disposable plastic bags!
Paypa offer a whole range of Brown kraft paper bag with twisted handles as an alternative to plastic, our bags come in a wide variety of colours at very affordable prices, check out their range.